Contribute to biodiversity

"The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now." Confucius


The Utrecht Student Tree Fund is a student initiative to contribute to biodiversity on behalf of the University. Students choose the projects themselves. Support this fund and donate a tree!


The initiators about the Utrecht Student Tree Fund

We, students, have inherited a damaged environment and it is daunting to think about our personal carbon footprints. But we decided that complacency is not an option. We mounted an effort to leave a green handprint in our community by creating the Graduation Tree and an accompanying fund. As a result, every graduating year will leave behind a tree and bench that commemorates their time at UU. In tandem, the tree fund will support tree planting projects all over the world that will provide future generations with shade and clean air. More than that, the year trees in Utrecht spring life around them by being a support net for many species, contributing to a more biodiverse (and beautiful) surrounding.

At its core, our efforts are grassroots and depend on your contributions: with your support we’re able to make a difference and boost biodiversity. The project began with Tamara Luiken of the University Council and Ay Ling in the Green Office. Their determined advocacy eventually secured the blessings of Executive Board and now the project is passed down from student to student! We hope to deepen our roots in UU and grow our ambitions. We also want our work to inspire and equip new students with the financial and administrative resources to change their local communities. Undoubtedly, we believe the key to our success is giving agency to students. Not only will your financial support empower a new generation of doers but it will create long-lasting improvements to our environment. From all of us, thank you for making a donation. 


Want to know more about the origins of the Utrecht Student Tree Fund? Read an interview with founders Ay Ling Thung and Tamara Luiken here.

* The amounts mentioned are symbolic and an estimate of what planting a tree costs on average.

Buy a tree for the symbolic amount of 19 euros. A small effort with great impact!