Geef om onderzoek naar klimaatverandering

from €25,000 (60%)

Wereldwijd zijn mensen afhankelijk van water uit de bergen en daarom is het zo belangrijk om te begrijpen hoe het klimaat hoog in de bergen verandert. Want gletsjers smelten en we krijgen vaker te maken met overstromingen en aardverschuivingen. De UU doet onderzoek in de Himalaya naar klimaatverandering. Het valt niet mee om op grote hoogte metingen uit te voeren. Maar met behulp van kleine weerstations lukt het toch de gegevens te verzamelen. Help ons en doneer een weerstation.

Het Utrechts Universiteitsfonds selecteert elk jaar 4 projecten voor de Doorgeven campagne. Dit jaar is onderzoek naar klimaatverandering in de Himalaya een van de geselecteerde projecten.  
De andere 3 projecten zijn:
Onderzoek naar chronische pijn
Geef om educatie over biodiversiteit
Onderzoek naar chronische pijn.

Meer informatie vind je op

Professor W.W. (Walter) Immerzeel has twenty years’ experience in geo-informatics, water resource management and climate change and is skilled in hydro-meteorological monitoring, the use of remote sensing, simulation models and spatial analysis and he has been doing research on Himalayan hydrology since 2002. He holds a PhD degree in physical geography from Utrecht University and he is a leading scientist on the interface of mountain hydrology, climate change and agriculture, with a particular focus on the Himalaya. He has worked in the Netherlands as well as in numerous developing countries and he has a large international network. He worked at International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in Nepal for two years, was postdoc at ETH Zurich and was associated to the research and consulting firm FutureWater from 2005 to 2015. He has been awarded several prestigious personal grants: NWO-VENI (2011), ERC Starting Grant (2015) and NWO-VIDI (2016) for his pioneering Himalayan research. In 2017 he was awarded the Boussinesque Prize for Hydrology and in 2018 he received the prestigious James B. Macelwane medal and became a fellow of the American Geophysical Union. He currently works as Professor Mountain Hydrology at Utrecht University where he is leading a number of projects on the cutting edge of climate change, glaciology and hydrology, is organizing research expeditions to the Himalayas and is responsible for teaching several courses in the curriculum of the Geosciences faculty.

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